Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Trivia - A Google a Day XLVI

While it sounds like a service to assist in finding a compatible mate, what process is actually a method by which scientists measure levels of carbon-14 in order to determine the age of an organism?
Radiocarbon Dating

What is the accepted, orderly technique of investigation of scientific progress called?
Scientific Method

Because he didn't want to become a "movie hunk", who turned down the role opposite Jennifer Gray that made Patrick Swayze a star?
Val Kilmer

Aldous Huxley's Bernard Marx appears different. What rumored solution given too generously during development is responsible for his shortcomings?

Who designed the memorial located on the National Mall at 17th Street, between Constitution and Independence Avenues?
Friedrich St. Florian

According to the 2010 U.S. census, in what city's metro area does more than 60% of the citizens of the Evergreen State live?

Of what are the sticks made that are the preferred building material of the industrious, green, 6" high, ant-like creatures that usually wear hard hats and tool belts?
Radish Dust

What state holds a real life contest and celebration commemorating Mark Twain's short story about the out-of -towner and the compulsive gambler?

What rare feat links MLB players called Boone, Posada and Hammock?
Caught Perfect Games

Which poet likens youth to a budding flower in his "carpe diem" poem, urging its reader to gather them up?
Robert Herrick

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